
“From a very early on in my life, I have always had a desire to make people feel better.As I  got older, I started to notice, that at times I would just ‘know’ what to do, that would bring relief to someone. Sometimes the very thing I felt needed to be done for someone would seem a bit strange, or to put it in a better word- ‘different’ .”

June uses many healing modalities to bring relief to and help people to heal, at times, working along with their physicians.

Guided by spirit, she utilizes many therapies often combining them, as directed by spirit to achieve successful results.

Over the past twenty years, June has worked with many people, bringing relief to the people who seek her out, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She has worked with people, with chronic pain problems, joint problems, cancers, depression, alopecia, addictions, identity issues, undiagnosable chronic pain, depression, stress, weight, smoking, digestive issues, weakness, spiritual challenges, and ailments of unknown origin, just to name a few.

Psychic, Medium, Intuitive Therapy Practioner, Hypnotist.